April 10 – National Hug Your Dog Day


About the Holiday

If you’re a dog owner, every day may be Hug Your Dog Day! Today was established for dog lovers to show their pets extra attention, so why not give your pup a special treat or take them for a longer than usual walk? If you’re contemplating adding a pet to your family, today may be a good day to visit your local shelter and adopt a dog to hug!

Thunder Pug

Written by Kim Norman | Illustrated by Keika Yamaguchi


Percy the pug loves doing things with his best friend Petunia the pig. They carve trails out of the tall grasses, blow on dandelions, play “twilight hide-and-seek,” and lap “puddles, cheek to cheek.” Sometimes they do separate things—like the time Petunia went off to the Arlington County Fair to compete in the best pig competition.


Image copyright Keika Yamaguchi, 2019, text copyright Kim Norman, 2019. Courtesy of Stirling Children’s Books.

Petunia returned to the farm wearing a blue ribbon. “Percy was proud of her,” but so were all the other animals. They picked her up and rushed around the yard, cheering. Every time Percy tried to offer his congratulations, she was whisked away. Percy’s high-five went amiss, the flowers he offered were “nearly trampled,” and “the kiss he blew floated away, lost on the wind.” While Petunia is enjoying all the attention, however, Percy feels dejected and ignored.

Then one day he found an old superhero comic book about Thunder Man who was brave and strong and had a cape that was “just as special as a first-prize ribbon.” Soon, Percy was sporting a cape and coming to the rescue—even if being Thunder Pug meant being put in danger, getting wet, or being tickled by ants. And while all of that was exciting, it just didn’t feel satisfying.


Image copyright Keika Yamaguchi, 2019, text copyright Kim Norman, 2019. Courtesy of Stirling Children’s Books.

Percy went back to his comic book to see what he was doing wrong. That’s when he saw it—Thunder Man had a sidekick! And just then who did he see coming toward him, but Petunia dressed up as Pink Lightning. Not a moment too soon, either. They raced to save a baby raccoon who was stuck in a tree. Maybe the rescue didn’t quite go as planned, but the baby Boing! Boing! Wheeeed! right into its mother’s arms.

With one heroic deed under their capes, Thunder Man and Pink Lightning took off to help, protect, find lost hedgehogs, and turn over flipped turtles. Now Percy and Petunia do some things apart and lots of things together and just like before, their friendship is “perfectly thunderful!”


Image copyright Keika Yamaguchi, 2019, text copyright Kim Norman, 2019. Courtesy of Stirling Children’s Books.

Percy and Petunia’s friendship forged in Kim Norman’s Puddle Pug has hit an unexpected snag as Petunia wins a blue ribbon and Percy begins to feel left out. Percy tries to play on his own, but it’s just not the same without Petunia. But has Petunia really forgotten Percy? A careful look at the illustrations shows that even while this first-rate pig is enjoying her taste of celebrity, she still has Percy in her sights. When the two come back together to create a super duo and also find new ways to spend their days, young readers will learn gentle lessons about the true nature of friendship, how new experiences can strengthen and enrich a relationship, and even the importance of giving a friend some space. Fans of Percy and Petunia will be delighted to learn that just as Percy and Petunia’s friendship grew as they pursued different activities, their own friendships will flourish as each person supports the other.


Percy and Petunia are back and as adorable as ever in Keika Yamaguchi’s soft-hued pen-and-ink and digitally painted illustrations. Yamaguchi perfectly captures the love between the two with twinkly eyes and satisfied smiles. So when Petunia wins the blue ribbon and starts hanging out with other friends, the dichotomy between Petunia’s bright grin and Percy’s disappointment is pronounced. Readers will also notice that along with the smiles, Petunia expresses distress of her own as she’s pulled away from Percy, and Percy, while sad, discovers happiness in helping others. The changing emotions of friendships are part of navigating childhood; Percy and Petunia give kids and adults the opportunity to discuss them and find their way through the maze of growing up.

Ages 3 and up

Sterling Children’s Books, 2019 | ISBN 978-1454923589

Discover more about Kim Norman and her books on her website.

To learn more about Keika Yamaguchi, her books, and her art, visit her website.

National Hug Your Dog Day Activity

Find the Pet Maze


This detective is looking for a dog to hug. Can you help her find her way to a puppy to love in this printable puzzle? 

Find the Pet Maze | Find the Pet Solution


You can find Thunder Pug at these booksellers

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-a-Million | IndieBound

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