Celebrate Picture Books Review Policy

I love discovering new and favorite books to pair with daily holidays for Celebrate Picture Books! Whether your book is funny, thoughtful, poignant, or quirky, fiction or nonfiction, I’d love to read it! If you would like to submit your book for review consideration, please read my policy below.

General Information

I am currently accepting Picture Books for review and can be reached by email at celebratepicturebooks@gmail.com.

I am currently not accepting self-published books.

I accept print ARCs, galleys, finished copies, and PDFs of upcoming and frontlist titles. I will also accept backlist titles that are still widely available online and/or with booksellers.

Accepting Books

In keeping with the theme of this blog, if I love the book I will research an appropriate well-known or unusual holiday to pair it with and will post the review on that particular date. 

I also match books to month-long observances, such as Women’s History Month and Poetry Month, as well as week-long holidays, such as World Kindness Week and National Pet Week. 

Picture books do not need to have a direct connection with a holiday, as I often use a loose interpretation in creating matches. For example The Bear and the Piano represented Record Store Day.

For upcoming titles, I’m happy to work with publicists, editors, authors, and illustrators to find or suggest an appropriate holiday observed close to the release date of the book or one that reflects the theme. If you know of a holiday that would correspond to your book, I will gladly consider posting a review on that date. 

If I accept a book to read, that does not guarantee a review.

Accepting Activities

If an author or illustrator would like to further promote their book or website by providing the activity that will represent the day’s holiday, I’m happy to accept a puzzle sheet, coloring page, craft, or other activity.

I would display an image of the sheet or activity along with any supplies and/or directions necessary, would provide a link to the author’s and/or illustrator’s website, and would credit the artist or designer of the activity.

I would require a high-resolution PNG or JPEG image or PDF.

Review Structure

Every review will include the following:

  • Cover art
  • Interior art if available
  • A paragraph about that day’s holiday
  • Publishing information: Title, author, illustrator, publisher, release date, ISBN
  • An accompanying activity for children that is pertinent to the holiday being celebrated that day, week, or month. A photograph of the finished project, a supply list, and directions for completing the activity are included. There are often links to printable content.
  • I also add a link to the author and illustrator’s websites as well as links to the book’s page on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and IndieBound.
  • If a trailer for the book is available, I include that too.


I’m happy to be an affiliate with Familius, whose books for children and adults celebrate all families and the values that make them strong and happy. As an affiliate I have linked certain books I’ve reviewed to a page where you can purchase them from the Familius website, if you wish. I receive a very small compensation for books purchased through the links in my posts. My links do not affect the cost of the books nor the amount that authors and illustrators receive from each sale. My opinions of the books are in no way influenced by my participation in the Familius affiliate program.

You can find more books from Familius that joyfully reflect the habits of happy families, including reading, talking, laughing, eating, working, loving, healing, learning, and playing together as well as the Familius blog The Habit Hub here.

Contact Me

If you have questions about Celebrate Picture Books and my review policy, just ask! My email is celebratepicturebooks@gmail.comYou can also find me on:

Twitter: @CelebratePicBks  |  Instagram: celebratepicturebooks

Thanks – I’m looking forward to reading your books!
