Matching Puzzles

Pair these matching puzzles with a book or add to a lesson. This list will be updated as more puzzles are created for posts.


Darling Dragon Match Puzzle – Match up the dragon twins

Goodness Snakes! Matching Puzzle – Find the pairs of matching snakes

Hop Along Matching Game – Match the pairs of frogs

Match the Kittens Puzzle – Find the pairs of twin kittens

Peppy Puppies Match Up Puzzle – Find the puppies that go together. (More than one right answer)

Puzzled Penguin Puzzler – Follow the intertwined lines to match each penguin to its favorite activity


Tugs to the Rescue! Matching Puzzle – Follow the intertwined waterways to match each tug to its boat

Clothes and Shoes

Mitten Match & Coloring Page – Which mittens make a pair?

Rainy Day Matching Game  – Find the matching umbrellas and raincoats

Sock Tumble Matching Game? – Match the pairs of socks

Sunglasses Matching Puzzle – Match the kids to their sunglasses

Umbrella Friends Match Up Puzzle – Match the friends who logically go together

Whose Shoes? Maze – Follow the shoelaces to match the kids with their shoes

Winter Hat Match Puzzle – Follow the intertwined lines to match each hat to a child


Mixed Up Cherry Pies Puzzle – Which pies are identical?

Noodle on This Puzzle – Follow the intertwined lines to match each type of pasta to a pot

Pi Day Pie Match – Find the missing pieces of the pie

Picnic Baskets Match Up – Find the matching picnic baskets

Popcorn Toss Up! Matching Puzzle – Find the matching kernels of popcorn

Strawberry Picking Match Up – Find the strawberries that look the same before they go into the basket

Do You Seed the Differences in the Watermelon Slices? – Pair up the watermelon slices

Fire Trucks

Fire Truck Match-Up Puzzle – Match the identical fire trucks


Entangled Hearts Matching Puzzle – Follow the paths to match each friend with more valentines.

Reindeer Teams Match-Up PuzzleMatch the two-member reindeer teams


Count Your Pennies! – Match the right number of pennies to the price of an item


Day-Glo Maze – Follow the intertwining lines to match the different day-glo paints to items


It’s Snowing! Matching Puzzle – Match the identical pairs of snowflakes